Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ayurveda for Pancha Karma

For my first time, I went to India to get a health treatment from an ayurveda doctor which is meant as a purification to lead to a better state of health. The treatment was an in-residence cleansing program that lasted for one month and although I could have gotten to stay on longer, I had used my funds and couldn't afford more time. On the whole, ayurveda treatments are effective to me and repeatable in my experience. If you were to try a program for purification with ayurveda, I would mention that the diet is extremely strict in many instances. In looking back at the month in India, in particular the residency diet, my fondest memory may quite possibly be the meal I had bought in a nearby hotel restaurant where I ordered a veggie burger in desperation for a Western meal. To my surprise the burger was very much Indian. The burger tasted like curry. So, in general, I recommend ayurveda. However, don't get your hopes set high on the diet and particularly if you are in the regular meat consuming routine.